My non speaking friend was in the hospital recently for more than 10 days. Specialist after specialist did test after test, presuming varying levels of competence, only to send him back with not much of a diagnosis and very little help. This is the reality for many of us, too many things are brushed aside under the umbrella of autism.
I have been to so many doctors’ appointments and have taken a lot of supplements. Most of them have been of no help. Parents are spending a lot of time and money, more times in hope than anything. They merely want to reduce our suffering, that is very real many days, but have little support.
I hope our voices are heard when we are being diagnosed. I hope there is more research generally on our tribe and differentially more when we say something is working. I hope many of my friends are empowered and supported in their dreams to become doctors and surgeons and other medical professionals, so they can directly influence decisions. And finally, let’s not dismiss our mental health needs as autism or continue to propagate autism is mental. Treat our needs like any other human.